#Journey2Destiny: Stepping Out on Faith

“Now faith is the substance of all things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen…” – Hebrews 11:1

We’ve all heard that verse before, and if you haven’t, now you have. But what does it really mean? What exactly is faith? Of course we have the biblical meaning..

As I was studying Hebrews 11, my study bible, gave me a quick incite on faith.

Faith is not something that we create for ourselves, it is a gift from the Holy Spirit… Faith is the response of a believer to God’s revelation of Himself…

Hmmm, makes you think, huh? Hebrews 11:6 says, “Without faith, it is impossible to please God.” So to truly please God, we must have faith. Faith in what, you may ask. Simple: First, faith in Him. As verse 1 states it is the evidence of things not seen… How many of us have seen God in the flesh? He cannot be seen with the natural eye, yet we must believe that He is there. Second, that His promises are true. The Bible is full of promises (and consequences) stated by God, but we must believe Him and take Him at His word. Do we ever believe in a person and not take them at their word? Not hardly. We must put that amount of trust in God.

So what’s our biggest issue with faith? Putting it into action. We often believe God for the bigger things and take those smaller issues into our own hands, whether we believe we can get a grip on them or not. Too often we don’t walk in faith, but we believe what we can naturally see. It’s almost like taking a step in the dark: As long as you know the step is there, you’ll take it, most likely because you see it. But what happens when you can’t see it and all the while God is saying, “Just take a step.” We’ll sit there in the dark, because “we can’t see…” when faith is the evidence of things not seen… How much more do you really need other than God’s word?

I know you’re wondering why I’m writing this post tonight, when you’ve probably read a previous post of mine on this same matter. Well, because I too often find myself in a test of faith. I’ve gone through some dark days, and some transitions where I’ve asked God, what’s the point? why am I here? what step? is there another way? Even tonight, I find myself praying earnestly for a boost in faith because of the journey (to destiny) that I’ve given my yes to (finally, but I’ll explain that in another post.)

What are you are your thoughts? What is your biggest challenge concerning faith? Let’s have a conversation!

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